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The collaboration platform for Flutter

Widgetbook's open-source package allows Flutter developers to catalogue their widgets in one central widget library. With Widgetbook Cloud, your widgets can be synced with Figma and shared with everyone in your team to simplify frontend reviews

Build widget based
UIs faster

Widgetbook is an open source tool for building UI widgets and pages in Flutter. It streamlines UI development, widget organization, and team internal collaboration.

As featured on

One central collaboration platform

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Overview of
all widgets

Keep track of all widgets by showcasing them in your Widgetbook. Organize all your widgets in one place.Widgetbook provides a preview for every widget.

Simplify frontend reviews

With Widgetbook Cloud, you can share your Widgetbook with everyone - especially designers and clients. Designers and clients can review the implemented widgets via the browser.

Test widgets visually

Test your widgets on multiple devices and themes in just a few seconds. By using Knobs you have the possibility to test individual use cases.

Build in isolation

Widgetbook provides an environment to build UIs in isolation. It allows developing widgets without distractions from the surrounding screen and dependencies.

Open Source Storybook for Flutter

We believe in community - we are dedicated to open source. The core of Widgetbook is accessible to all. For free. Forever.

Overview of all widgets

Keep track of all widgets by showcasing them in your Widgetbook.

Test widgets visually

Test your widgets on multiple devices and themes in just a few seconds.

Share your widgets with everyone

Quickly host your Widgetbook and make it accessible for designers, QA testers, product managers, and clients.

CI/CD integrations

Integrate Widgetbook in your CI/CD pipeline by using the Widgetbook CLI.

Share different branches

Give your designers visible access to the branch you are currently working on.

Review your UI in seconds

What is currently mapped in dozens of Slack messages, screenshots, emails and synchronous meetings takes only a mouse click with Widgetbook.

Review every widget

Test all widgets in all imaginable configurations and give precise feedback to developers.

Version comparison

Review changed widgets in the previous and the new implementation.

Figma vs Flutter comparison

Integrate Figma into Widgetbook to enable precise reviews between the Figma design and the Flutter implementation.

Single source of truth

Connect your Widgets to their design counterpart in Figma.

Sync design and code

Get notified whenever your widget doesn't match the Figma design.

Let the Google team explain Widgetbook to you

What our customers think

"Widgetbook allows us to distribute our shared components across all teams for better alignment between customers and our design department."

Pascal Welsch

CTO | Phntm
"Widget testing on different mobile devices was a very time-consuming process. Preview each widget as easily as pie by using Widgetbook. You saved our time!"

Osman Yilmaz

Dev Manager | Mikrogrup
"We not only noticed better coordination and communication between developers and designers but also an improved code structure since our widgets are now more modular and independent."

Andreas Blech

Developer | BLVRD

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