
Hi all.

We’re nearly ready to begin offering API keys to "trusted testers" interested in working closely with us to bring Shorebird code push to production. While we are ready for a few testers, the product is still very early and code push is not ready for production usage or wide app distribution yet.

If you're interested in participating, read on. Otherwise, expect our next status update and video early next week!

What you get
We’ll provide you access to Shorebird code push (an API key/login), trusted tester support (private discord, email) and of course fix bugs as you hit them. We're there to help you ship! We’ll also share our roadmap and incorporate your feedback as to what we should build in what order. We’ll be releasing updates regularly (hours, days) as we improve the product.

What we’re asking
We’re looking for testers who have serious interest, but are willing to try on small projects to start. Our #1 design goal up until now has been “first, do no harm”. We don’t expect code push to break your app, but we just don’t have enough experience in the wild to feel certain about that yet. We will also expect testers to engage with us regularly via Discord or Github with feedback and suggestions. We are charging $20 per month for participation in this program.

Technical Requirements
At this time, the tester program requires a Mac host and only supports Android Arm64 devices. We expect to quickly add other platforms and hosts, but on day 1 we will require our first set of testers to have access to both Mac and Android Arm64. It also works in an Arm64 emulator, but we're most interested in testers will to ship to a small number (fewer than 1000) of devices.

Even if you’re unable to join us now, this is far from the last chance to try Shorebird or work with our team! We’ll send more invites soon after we’ve gotten more of the core product built. We hope by the end of this program to graduate code push to generally available production.

If you’re interested, please fill out the survey, and we’ll start reaching out to participants in the next few days, thanks!
